Municipal Website Design

Your municipality needs an informative, user-friendly, and stylish website. Town Web can help. We rely on experience and cutting-edge strategies to provide the ultimate in municipal & government website design.
Your municipality needs an informative, user-friendly, and stylish website. Town Web can help. We rely on experience and cutting-edge strategies to provide the ultimate in municipal & government website design.
Our municipal websites allow your users to tailor the news and notifications they receive to their interests. In moments, they can opt-in to messages and announcements from whichever municipal departments they prefer. Then, they will only receive relevant info – no more inboxes cluttered with unread municipal mail.
You can opt for alerts to appear on different parts of your website. This functionality is great for reminders about deadlines or announcements about construction and detours. In addition, you can send notifications to all your subscribers with just a few clicks for emergencies. Your Town Web dashboard makes sending alerts quick and intuitive.
Some companies ignore accessibility. At Town Web, we build every website from the ground up to comply with Section 508 and ADA enforcement. As a result, every user in your jurisdiction will experience a fully functional site that gets them the information they need every time.
Trust is paramount between municipalities and their residents. Your data will be safe with our Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Every website we build runs on HTTPS, providing an added layer of protection for sensitive communications and documents. Furthermore, you'll boost your Google search rankings, ensuring you're the trusted source for information on your municipality.
All our municipal website design contracts come with our white-glove customer service. Municipal websites can be complicated, but we will ensure you are fully equipped to operate, update, and configure your site to fit the needs of your residents. Whether you are new to operating a website or a seasoned veteran, we will show you how to get the most out of the software.
Our white glove service is all-inclusive. If you are short on time, send us a message. We will post announcements, documents, or notices for you. Likewise, if you need to upload or migrate documents, send them our way. We will be your virtual assistants and help you get everything ready to serve your residents.
Some municipal "website design" contracts fail to account for changes in technology. At Town Web, we pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with all the newest strategies and design trends. Furthermore, we want all our clients to walk the cutting edge with us. Therefore, we do a free, complete website redesign every 3 years for our Select+ package holders. As a result, your municipal website will always set the standard for practical, attractive, and accessible design.
For 14 years, Town Web has cultivated relationships with over 600 municipalities. Our customer-centered mindset has allowed us to work with many talented administrators, and we take those experiences into every new project. We are collaborators at heart who want to help municipalities foster community engagement with their residents.
Well-organized municipal websites are the most effective means of communication between a municipality and its citizens. Your users want info on local job postings, trash collection, agendas, event schedules, etc. – all things that a disorganized site can bury. For example, Glen Cove, NY, had an unfocused, untidy site that Town Web redesigned. Now, the residents can find all the information they need in as few clicks as possible.
The most effective way to make a website more navigable is to use icons that are easy to interpret. Intuitive visual cues allow us to remove text from the page, making it look clean and organized. Furthermore, without so many words to distract the user, the pictures you include will effectively illustrate the unique character of your community.
The antiquated website of Colts Neck, NJ, obscured the town's remarkable history and character. So town Web collaborated with administrators to develop a clean, intuitive interface that allows the authentic feel of Colts Neck to greet every visitor. The new site is user-friendly, well organized, and visually striking.
Lake Ozark, MO, wanted to modernize their website. Their old version was not responsive or accessible to all users. Furthermore, the cookie-cutter design seemed cramped and dull. Our redesign favors a bold, open approach that feels much less cluttered. We also included a series of images that capture the Lake Ozark lifestyle. As a result, the residents and administrators both think that the municipal website is much improved and preserves the community's unique character.
Effective municipal websites require meticulous planning. At Town Web, we have broken down the process into 5 steps. Each step involves collaboration between the website designer and the municipality. Look at our case study on Colts Neck, NJ, to see how effective our process could be for you. Their website is an excellent example of all five steps.
1. List the Municipality’s Objectives for Their Website
Some municipalities use their websites as one-way information channels for their residents. Others prefer to foster engagement on the site and promote it as a digital town square. So how do you see your municipal website? There is no right or wrong answer, provided you tailor your site to fit the needs of the residents.
2. Determine What Info to Include and How to Deliver It
Your website will be the best form of communication between the municipality and its citizens. Therefore, use calendars, forms, surveys, alerts, and interactive maps to provide residents with the information they need. In addition, providing them with an option to subscribe only to the types of information they want is an effective way to increase engagement.
3. Make the Website Responsive
About half of your website visitors will use a mobile device. Town Web ensures that all our municipal website designs reformat themselves automatically to fit the user's screen. This design allows users to see a fully-functional version of your site at home or moving around the town.
4. Prioritize Accessibility for All Users
All government websites must comply with the ADA and Section 508. Therefore, your municipality should offer a complete user experience to everyone, regardless of their abilities. Town Web websites are all ADA and 508 compliant. Moreover, we stay on top of all regulatory changes to ensure our customers never run afoul of federal regulations.
5. Provide Language Support
New arrivals to your municipality may not have the requisite English skills to access information on your website. Therefore, we offer language support functionality to display your web content in several different languages. As a result, you can show effective hospitality and help newcomers settle in your community.