Easy boating permits for every municipality: introducing boat launch software

HeyGov's Boat Launch Software is the solution municipalities have been waiting for. It's digital software that allows boaters to use their phone to register to use the boat launch and pay for it. It’s as easy as scanning a QR code!

Out with the old and in with a digital boating permit process! The digital transformation toolkit offers a state-of-the-art municipal permitting software for boat launches.

Introducing groundbreaking digital boating permits for Boat Launches. A game-changing solution for local municipalities to get boaters into the water easily. This digital platform allows boaters to effortlessly register and pay for boat launches using their smartphones, all with the simple scan of a QR code.

Municipal staff juggle numerous responsibilities daily, and managing the administration of  boating permits can sometimes fall to the wayside. That's where Town Web steps in, renowned for its expertise in government website design. Our digital transformation team, brings you an innovative solution to simplify permit procedures and make the lives of municipal clerks easier.

Join us in embracing digital transformation and optimizing operational efficiency with HeyGov's municipal permitting software for boat launches, proudly presented by Town Web.

We’ve learned that municipal boat launches typically involve a manual procedure, where applicants must fill out a form and submit cash or a check into a dropbox. Municipal employees are then tasked with collecting all the envelopes, tallying the funds, and providing boating permits for those who have paid. Many times, boaters are out over weekends, and the town hall may not always be equipped to handle the influx or timing of all the visitors. 

This system can be long and tedious, particularly for non-locals. Sometimes visitors don’t have the right cash, or any cash, while a longer application procedure can result in lost revenue from individuals who would have paid if a more convenient payment option was available.

Our Boat Launch Software presents the long-awaited remedy for municipalities. This innovative digital solution enables boaters to register for boat launch access and make payments using their smartphones.

Simply scan a QR code, and you're all set!

Boat launch permit sign

The City of Kewaunee has spiced up its website design for the government and decided to bring digital boating permits to the residents. We teamed up with them to make boating a breeze in their community.

Back in the day, residents had to hop over to the town hall to get permits or, more commonly, fill out paper applications and drop cash together with the paper application, into a trusty metal box, especially on weekends. The box had to be checked by town staff or even the County PD to pick up permits and bank the money. Boat owners would often ring up, saying they were short on cash or forgot their checkbooks.

This used to lead to a missed opportunity for the city in terms of revenue until they hopped on board with HeyGov. Now, they're using that extra cash to spruce up the community! 

Using digital boating permits means:

For communities where boating is a key activity, reach out to our digital transformation team at heygov@heygov.com or schedule a call with our team at https://heygov.com/one-on-one-demo to discuss a tailored solution. 

Just like the successful collaboration with Big Cedar Lake Protection District, we can customize its municipal permitting software to fit your specific needs.

Town Web services are approved for use with ARPA funds!