City Website Design

City websites can be a confusing mess for users. Town Web will help you guide residents, businesses, and visitors to the information they need on a site they will love.

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Relevant, Accessible, Secure: All in Just a Few Clicks

Cities are complex places. Residents are unique. Together, they make it challenging to run a website that has all the info but sends out only what's relevant to each individual. Town Web designs are communication platforms first and foremost. You can notify residents by email or text message when you post something they want to know. All they must do is enter their email or phone info and select what they are interested in.

You can also use this email and text data to send emergency notifications. So whether it's extreme weather or setting up a traffic detour, you can notify everyone on the contact list or display an alert in several places on your city website. All it takes is a few clicks on the alert panel of your Town Web dashboard.

Town Web specializes in accessible web design. City websites must comply with the ADA and Section 508, and we have the tools to ensure that yours follows every requirement and regulation. Your website will accommodate every resident, visitor, and business owner with a fully functional browsing experience.

Data breaches can be crippling for cities; everyone remembers what happened in Baltimore and Atlanta in 2018-2019. Town Web designs with security in mind, and all our websites utilize Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols to keep hackers at bay. Your site will run on HTTPS, so users know they can trust it with their sensitive information. In addition, Google gives HTTPS sites a boost in search rankings, which will help you stay the trusted authority for all information about your city.

A Reputation Built on Service and Experience

At Town Web, we offer all-inclusive, white glove customer service. We will thoroughly train your staff to ensure they get the most out of the website administration tools. As a result, you can configure and update the site quickly and hassle-free. This will ensure your citizens stay informed and updated on all official policies and initiatives.

Don't consider us customer service providers. Instead, treat us as part of your team. If you are too busy, let us know, and we will post alerts, documents, and announcements for you. We are your virtual assistants, helping you get the most out of your website. 

Technology evolves quickly, and nowhere is that more true than web design. City websites often fall behind, using antiquated layouts and clunky, hard-to-use information portals. Therefore, for Select+ members, we do free website redesigns every 3 years. So your city website will always sport the market's most advanced security, accessibility, and usability options. 

For us, our dedication to customer service is about relationships. Your city is a large, diverse community. Over the last 14 years, we have helped over 600 small government entities improve communication with their residents, fostering engagement and bringing people closer together. In that time, we have built our own community of civil servants and administrators who have taught and inspired us and each other. Come join us!

For You

City Web Design Requires Organization, Clean Interfaces, and Character

For a city to reach its residents with important announcements, documents, and notifications, it needs a well-organized website. Users will get lost and frustrated trying to find info on trash collection, minutes, and new policies without a clear, intuitive structure. Glen Cove, NY, residents wanted a new website, so the administration came to Town Web. Their new site is well-structured and easy to navigate.

Part of designing a clean interface is reducing the number of words on a page. The best way to drop the word count is by using eye-catching icons and clickable elements that direct users to the information they seek. With fewer words on the page, the photographs, videos, and other media on the page will better communicate the city’s unique character and culture. 

The original website of Colts Neck, NJ, was old, crowded, and not very user-friendly. So we collaborated with them to arrive at a design that clearly illustrates the town's character. The colors, authentic photos, and blend of elements combine to highlight the modern era of this historic town. In addition, the interface makes navigation a breeze.

Sometimes, character requires bold design choices. The original city web design of Lake Ozark, MO, was inaccessible, boring, and outdated. Moreover, there was no hint of lake life visible through the clutter. We fixed their ADA/508 compliance issues first. Then, we paired a bright color scheme with free-flowing, boxless text. The update has impressed the administration after adding some great photos to capture the city's spirit.

Town Web’s Process: 5 Crucial Questions to Ask When Designing a Great City Website

City websites hold a lot of important information for residents, businesses, and visitors. In addition, every city is unique and utilizes its website differently. We have learned through experience that there are 5 essential questions to ask when designing a city website. Check out our case study on Colts Neck, NJ, to see illustrations of our answers.

1. What Are the City’s Objectives for the Website?

Whether the city needs a virtual town square or a quick, easy way to disseminate information, they need clear design objectives. Are they looking for engagement, communication, or SEO? If they need all 3, in what proportions? The goals should fit the needs of the residents and highlight the city's character.

2. What Information Will the Site Deliver and How?

City web design is all about information. Typical design elements include calendars, forms, alerts, surveys, downloadable documents, etc. Each city decides which elements it would prefer to incorporate. In addition, they can provide residents with a way to opt-in for notifications about different types of announcements. Citizens are more likely to remain engaged when they get timely and relevant info.

3. What Are the Formatting Requirements?

At Town Web, our designs are responsive. Whether a user accesses the site on mobile or desktop, every page will reformat itself to provide complete functionality on every platform. 

4. How Can We Make This Site Accessible to All?

Cities include people of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Yet, everyone should be able to access the information on your website with as little hassle as possible. Therefore, we incorporate designs that comply with Section 508 and the ADA. Accommodations allow all users to enjoy the site equally and protect the city administration from lawsuits. 

5. How Can We Support People of Different Backgrounds?

Cities are vibrant magnets for people with diverse backgrounds who speak many different languages. However, low English proficiency should not prevent them from accessing the information on your city website. Therefore, we can offer language support that allows non-native English speakers to read your site and find what they need.

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